Saturday, October 5, 2013


Lately NC has received a lot of negative publicity. Whether our state is on the news due to The Justice Department suing NC because it claims a new state law discriminates against minorities, or because of  the reports of NC Rep. Mark Meadows and his August letter signed by members of congress demanding Speaker Boehner to use a government shutdown, or to the ABC 20/20 investigative report that showed numerous NC law enforcement officers excessively exceeding speed limits, not to get to a crime scene, but to get to an honest-to-God doughnut shop. One officer was actually on his way to teach a class because he was the driving instructor- shaking my head.
But NC has also been in the news for a very different reason as well. Last Friday the community of Statesville/Iredell County learned that a 16yr old high school football player had been diagnosed with liver cancer. Although Statesville boasts about 25k residents, it is a tight community and where I have spent most of my life.
When the news of Dalton's cancer came out, an unprecedented united front of supporters came forward. Iredell County became encased in Carolina Blue (Dalton's favorite color) and then the color spread across the country and overseas. There are pictures of people who have never met Dalton or his family showing their support by wearing t-shirts, displaying signs, and sending cards. There is a social media blitz via facebook and twitter with #PrayForDalton. Rivalry teams are now made up of friends, and Dalton is showing us all what is important in life.
When I was 17 I worked with Dalton's mom (Geri) at a local clothing store. She was pregnant with Dalton at the time and I was scared to death she would go into labor on my shift. I had seen that Miracle of Life video in school and I had no desire to pass out again. Years later, Dalton would be a student at the Elementary school that I taught at. He has one of those smiles that can light up a classroom and he's so full of positive energy that you can't help but love the kid.
Cancer is a vicious disease. It does not limit itself to age, color, or gender. Dalton is strong, his family is strong, and the community around him is strong. I am not a religious person, but I would be lying if I did not say this unyielding movement of support for Dalton has not made me hit my knees and pray for his family. I love you Geri Edwards and dedicate my simple blog to you in honor of your birthday and in honor of your Dalton.
So while NC may be dominating the national news for other reasons, a small town called Statesville is doing amazing things for an amazing boy. #PrayForDalton

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