Clearly it was my turn to cook so we found ourselves at a fast food joint. Although I have been trying to learn how to cook I am barely one step above opening a can and heating. Even ramen noodles can be quite tricky for me.
Anyone that knows me knows that I am a terribly picky eater- kind of hard to believe I'd eat fast food, but I had coupons. When I order I always have to alter the dish in some form or fashion. If you've ever seen When Harry Met Sally and remember Meg Ryan ordering- no not that scene- but the one where she's ordering pie, well that's me. For example if I order a cheeseburger I have them put ketchup/mustard on it but then I scrape it off because I only want the flavoring of the condiments. I only want the ends of the tomato because I can't stand the seeds or the wet insides. Same goes for pickles. Sometimes I order the burger but have the meat taken off because once again, I just want the flavoring. Other quirks I have are: any meat I east must be super thin, my food can't touch, and I have an unnatural fear of mayonnaise. I seriously tell food establishments that I'm allergic to it so they won't put it anywhere near my food. Hey, everyone has their demons and mine is mayo- don't judge.
It's actually odd that I'm so picky with my food because growing up we were happy with government cheese and anything else food stamps would provide. Tina (my partner) has told me repeatedly how incredibly ridiculous I am with my food idiosyncrasies. One of my favorite cereals is Special K but when it went up to $4 a box she decided to buy the off brand instead. Unbeknownst to me she placed the off brand in an empty Special K box and don't you know I was looking all over that damn box for the words "New & Improved" because I couldn't figure out what Kellogg's had done to make their cereal so much better. She had her fun watching and listening to me go on about how happy I was Special K had decided to make their flakes bigger and crispier before finally busting out into a fit of laughter at my expense. I'm just wondering what else has she fed me?
Ok, so we're at the restaurant and because of my complex ordering it is not a new experience to me when my order comes back incorrect. To me, it's not a big deal. I actually expect my order to be wrong just because there are so many alterations and the restaurant always fixes it so no worries. However, the dude in front of me evidently does not have that same easy-going attitude. The guy comes barreling up from his table and unpleasantly pushes himself past me so that he may lean across the counter and demand a manager. When the manager arrives, the disgruntled man proceeds to literally shove his receipt in the manager's face belittling and screaming the staff because there was lettuce on his sandwich. Ok first off he didn't even buy a real chicken sandwich, he bought the $0.99 one made out of unidentifiable compressed something so he should've been happy there was lettuce because at least it's organic. I was completely appalled by his degrading behavior towards the manager, and totally impressed with how the manager just stood there, listened, and was nothing but complacent with the man. The manager could have handled things very differently and no one in line would have thought less of him because the customer was completely out of line with his "you put lettuce on my sandwich" tantrum. After his order was corrected and he sat back down, I walked over to his table and stated these words of Martin Luther King Jr: "If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well."
I then proceeded to tell him, that even though that man may just be a fast food manager to him, he handled himself as a great street sweeper and he could learn a lesson on how to conduct himself properly from someone whom he thought was so beneath him. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly my message did not resonate with the irate man. However, I let it be known that no matter someone station, everyone's job is important.
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