Yesterday I was tagged in a post on Facebook. But this wasn’t
one of those lovely memes that tell you to tag someone you think is awesome.
No, this was ugly family drama. Because where else but social media should you
post your dirty laundry?
My biological grandpa is 77, a Pentecostal Holiness
preacher, and the proud owner of at least three Member’s Only jackets. He can
actually rock them tho.
Needless to say when it comes to anything religious, we view
things differently. That’s mostly because I’m an Atheist homosexual.
Now, someone decided to post a biblical scripture meme on my
grandpa’s wall that was displaying the LGBT community in a negative light. My
grandpa didn’t even know it was on his wall until another relative decided to
hatefully point it out to him. Because fighting bigotry with bigotry is always
the best policy??
My grandpa immediately deleted the post and even apologized
to the offended individual publicly on their page. And that is what I have a
problem with. He owes no one an apology.
Let’s ignore the fact for a minute that someone else took
the liberty to post the meme. My grandpa has every right to post what he wants
because it is HIS wall. He is entitled to his beliefs just as I am to mine.
But this is the thing: My partner and I have always had a
place at my grandpa’s table. He has never once told us we were living in sin,
going to Hell or that we should attend church. Not ONCE. In fact, I was even
allowed to carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. It wasn’t pretty, but still.
My grandpa is a man of humility, compassion, and peace. He’s
like a hippie but without the drug use or Birkenstocks. Although, if he did
wear sandals he’d put them on with black socks.
And while I am not a Christian, he has shown me what a true Christian
should be. He’s just a man that keeps his door open and welcomes all.

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