Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome to the Jungle

So I have no desire to go traipsing through the Amazonian jungles of Ecuador. I barely have the urge to go into my backyard, and if I do then I'm covered head to toe in bug repellent along with my walking stick aka weapon of choice. I once had a moth land on me at night and I totally thought it was a bat therefore taking off through the field screaming like a girl with my arms flailing about. The back yard can be scary.
However, I have a niece who'd rather sleep in a tent then with a dude and I can't tell you how proud that makes me. Jorden is currently enrolled at Appalachian State University and this girl is serious about her education and her career aspirations.She does not come from money and has had to make her way through school financially on her own. Instead of attending parties or meeting guys (like hello, I totally did... um not the guy part but) she's busy trying to get someone's burger order right because she truly wants her education and she is willing to do anything/take any shift to keep it.
Right now Jorden is working on a double major in Anthropology and History, thus the whole she'd sleep in a tent thing. I can hardly type the word Anthropology without the help of spell check, but homegirl is wanting to make a career out of it. I thought it was just a really chic clothing store (they have some amazing stuff) but apparently this involves the study of humankind, past and present.
Throughout her coursework, certain opportunities have arose and last summer she was able to travel to Alaska with her class.  And the girl even ate whale blubber. I mean the girl ate whale blubber. That is commitment on a whole new level to the the mantra 'When in Rome.' I won't even let my food touch on the plate and she's standing there wrapped in a mosquito net gnawing on a piece of uncooked fat. Those were the pics of her trip I decided to pass on seeing.
This year another educational excursion has come across her desk through the Anthropology department. The students will be traveling to the Napo Province of Ecuador so that they may conduct research on indigenous activism with a focus on the impact of oil extraction, eco-tourism, and community development on identity and representation.Yeah, honestly I don't know what all of that means but it sounds super smart and really important just like Jorden. The students will also be learning about "shamanism," forestry conservation, biodiversity, and environmental identities. She may even have a bat land on her.
The total cost for the trip is $3,300 which will cover housing and three meals a day for the three week duration of the trip. Right now, Jorden has exactly $40 raised and only ten days to raise it in. If I were financially able, this kid would want for nothing and I'd fly the plane to Ecuador myself. Everyone has a 'great kid' in their family and Jorden is definitely it. She has made education the most important part of her life, pushing other things aside to guarantee a walk across the stage and a diploma in hand. So many students take for granted their education, but to Jorden it truly means everything.
And that is why I am writing this blog for her. She didn't ask me too, and she'll probably be embarrassed once she finds out, but how am I to remain her favorite 'Uncle Char' if I don't find ways to embarrass her? The following is a link to her campaign raising efforts and if you would like to donate to making her trip become a reality then we would be beyond grateful. No contribution is too small when it involves paving the way for our future leaders. Besides, she has $40 you guys.
So Jordy, I have no idea if this simple effort will bring in even a dollar, but for you I had to try.  

Here's the link. And because I'm technologically challenged, let's hope this works!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rocket Science

And while this woman may never grace the pages of a History book, I can't help but believe that she has made an impact worthy of honoring. For Women's History Month:

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein

Science has always been my worst subject. I do not understand protons, atoms, or photosynthesis. Hell, I can't even comprehend how the telephone works with all of those sound waves and electromagnetic something or others? Mind blowing. Let's just say NASA will never call me for anything.

In the 8th grade I went to a very small school out in the country. The entire 8th grade class consisted of about 50 kids but I enjoyed the smallness because it made us feel like a family, or at least that's how I perceived it. School was the safest part of my day, allowing me six hours escape from the torment of home. Therefore it was not unusual for me to visualize my teachers as surrogate parents, aunts/uncles or even grandparents. In the afternoons riding the school bus I longed to get off at anyone else's stop other than own, but it never happened.  
The best way to describe my 8th grade science teacher would be to say that Ms. Frizzle had come to life. I'm still not entirely convinced that author JoAnna Cole did not indeed base her character off of one Mrs. Loudermilt, whom wore white lab coats so she could carry both a snake and a piece of candy in her pocket. Her walls were covered in posters and quotes of Albert Einstein and the counters were filled to capacity with chemistry beakers, bunsen burners, metal pans, snake aquariums, student microscopes, and in the corner I swear there was a miniature version of the hubble telescope. One look into this woman's classroom and you knew she was serious about Science and thus, I was doomed. I knew it wouldn't be long before I'd be the one she was feeding to the snakes because there was no way I was going to live up to this woman's expectations. Just looking at her classroom made you believe that the cure for any disease could be created in there. 
Turned out I was right, Mrs. Loudermilt was serious about teaching Science. She had taken Science and turned it into almost a way of life for us during the 90minute block we had with her. Science was not simply reading from the text book, it was about making ice cream to teach about temperatures, to showcase the demonstrative properties of  water being a solid/liquid/gas. But we did more than just make ice cream; the biggest lesson of the day was that learning could actually be fun. One other time we dissected a frog and I'm not gonna lie, someone threw up a little. I don't know how many other teachers can take the act of barfing and turn it into a teachable moment, but after the student  finished gagging she managed to show us via the frog in the pan, the path the stomach contents took before landing into the trash. By doing that, the focus was no longer allowing the other students to laugh at said kid for hurling and instead we were all drawn back into the lesson at hand.      
There was a tactility to her teachings, and with it also came the best sense of humor. We all thought she was a bit crazy, a true mad scientist if you will, but there was nothing mad about her. No, there was a kindness behind that sneaky grin and she was constantly pulling pranks. It was not unusual for Mrs. Loudermilt to throw candy in classrooms as she walked down the hall just so she could disrupt the the other educator's teachings. After one such instance our English teacher vowed that she would retaliate. Now, I may or may not have suggested to our English teacher that we concoct a plan to have all of us walk out of Mrs. Loudermilt's class while she was in the middle of teaching. So the next day when the clock hit a certain time, we all just stood up and walked out of her class leaving her speechless, but laughing all the same. 
But Mrs. Loudermilt was never one to be bested so in response she had the English teacher's classroom furniture removed while she was at lunch. And once again I may or may not have suggested the idea to Mrs. Loudermilt. And because I may or may not have participated in such removal of furniture, it did not mean that I didn't completely adore my English teacher. 
However, now I was in the middle of the these two pranks so it was only natural that the very next morning both my English teacher and my Science teacher had called me into the school's office. Together they had cooked up an elaborate scheme citing I had been the cause of everything from vandalism of school property to blatant insubordination. I was horrified! I mean for crying out loud they had just as much a part of those pranks as I had and here they were telling me that the principal had found out and that they weren't going to take the blame but instead shift it onto me. But it was when they got to the sentencing of my alleged crimes, that Mrs. Loudermilt finally started laughing. She honestly laughed until she had tears in her eyes before she hugged me and said "You are good, but I'll always be the master at pulling pranks." That was the day I knew I had the best teacher in the world, even if it was for Science. 
The rest of the school year passed with more classroom experiments, Nova videos, and yes even pranks with squirt guns and silly string. On the last day of school I rolled Mrs. Loudermilt's car with toilet paper and while we laughed about it, on the inside I was crying. 
 I knew I'd never have another teacher who carried around snakes (nope, never did), I'd  never have another teacher who made a lesson out of puking, I'd never have another teacher who had a life-sized cut out of Albert Einstein, and I'd never have another teacher who made me like Science. But more importantly I was going to just simply miss Mrs. Loudermilt. I had become attached to hearing her cackling laugh, seeing her friendly smile, and participating in her wicked sense of humor. So with a heavy heart, and one last hug goodbye, I faced summer break.
It was December and I was now a senior in high school. I had been working on some homework with the t.v. playing in the background when Dixie Carter's character had made some snide remark and instantly it made me think: that sounds just like something Mrs. Loudermilt would have said. Instantly I wrote down the quote on a piece of notebook paper along with the words, 'I heard this, and couldn't help but think of you.' and something like 'I hope all is well with you'. Honestly, I have no idea what compelled me to do so because I hadn't seen nor spoken to Mrs. Loudermilt in almost four years. In my eyes the woman was old (she was really only in her 30's) so she had probably taught thousands of kids by now and more than likely she didn't even remember me. But then I was fetching the phone book to see if there were any Loudermilt's listed. I didn't know which Loudermilt was her, but I figured since there were only 4 listed they must all know each other. Randomly picking one, the letter was mailed with no real expectations other than hoping it made it to the right Loudermilt. Much to my surprise, two days later I received a Christmas card. Mrs. Loudermilt did indeed remember me, and more than that she had missed me; well more like missed my antics, but I'd take it. And thus began a series of correspondences. One afternoon Mrs. Loudermilt even showed up at my job to take me to lunch so we could discuss my collegiate opportunities. 
Over the years, I had become a master of disguises. Whether I was hiding actual bruises or the emotional trauma, I had never let anyone know what my home life was really like. However, Mrs. Loudermilt seemingly had a sixth sense and she began to ask questions. Nothing invasive, but it was enough to place small cracks in the facade I had held together for so long. I didn't, nor could I tell her everything, but she was smart and she eventually read through the lines. 
On May 30th, 1997, I walked through the front door of Mrs. Loudermilt's home. She took me into the living room and said "We have two guest rooms. Pick one." I was astonished, initially not believing the gift that was being offered. But for Mrs. Loudermilt, it was not Rocket Science or any Science at all; it was about saving a child. Less than two months later, her and her husband legally adopted me.
It's been 21yrs since I first walked into that Science classroom. Mom retired this year in January, and I couldn't help but feel saddened at the loss for the future students that would have went through her doors. There was a time when I wanted to grow up to be just like her, and in a very small way I did, but there were never snakes in my classroom.

Additional Note:
My biological mother lost me at a very early age. Through no fault of her own, she was intimidated, threatened, and out maneuvered when it came to being a part of my childhood. I am happy to report that she is very much a part of my life today. Forgiveness was never granted because forgiveness was never needed.



Tuesday, March 11, 2014

simple things

Having your hunny wake you up every morning with kisses is not a bad way to start each day. We have very little in the materialistic sense, but we do have each other. And when it comes to gift giving we really are those people that make cheesy coupons, write poetry, or paint pictures for one another. Seriously, when I proposed I had taken a pack of kindergarten writing paper and wrote the Story of Us on it. I had it laminated/bound and the last page of the story had "please check yes or know if you'd like to spend the rest of your life with me." The illustrations looked like I had a kindergartner draw them but she checked yes anyway. However, I did pull out an actual ring and not one from the gumball machine. She told me she would've said yes even if I had only spent 25 cents.
One of the best dates we ever went on was just recently when I picked up a cheap pack of water colors, two canvases, and found a pull-off along the Blue Ridge Parkway to just sit and paint. Mine of course makes Picasso's work look decipherable, but those simple canvases will always hang on our wall and be more valuable than any artwork we could ever purchase.
It's really all about spending time with each other versus spending money. Don't get me wrong, neither one of us would ever turn down a date to the mall, but the effort put into a simple handwritten note or a carefully drawn stick figure has become invaluable to me.
We often find ourselves taking little day trips usually no further than thirty minutes away from home. We'll take back country roads and spend a few hours snapping pictures of dilapidated barns or old homesteads that are long forgotten. I like to believe that us visiting those places lets the crooked doors and windows know that they are still appreciated. Life continues to breathe throughout their neglected cracks if only in our picture taking.
Or like today it was absolutely gorgeous so an impromptu picnic at the local park was perfect. We had ham sandwiches (she even put the mustard on mine in the shape of a smiley face) and a small bag of chips to share. There was no fancy wine, cheese, or picnic basket. It was just totally simple and totally perfect.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but now I understand what it means when people say that it's the little things that mean the most. When I would hear that I just thought old people were crazy and they were supposed to say weird things and sound like walking farmer's almanacs. But now I get it and sometimes in life all we really have to give one another is time or words.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

not tobacco

The first time I smoked pot I had no idea that's what it was. And yes, I did inhale. I was 20 and in a pub in England with a group of blokes I had just met that day. I had taken full advantage of the younger legal drinking age and so by the time I had made it to this particular pub, well let's just say I wouldn't have been able to recite any part of the alphabet. I was there on holiday for 2 weeks- it was a college graduation present and nothing quite shows off the labors of a good education like getting wasted at pubs all day. Although I did manage to redeem myself in the fact that I hit all of those historical landmarks like Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, and I even went super nerdy and visited the home of the Bronte sisters. But alas, I did have that one night of bar hopping.
So I was sitting there at a table when one of the guys asks me if I'd like to smoke a cigarette outside with him. Personally I had always found the smell of cigarettes to be nauseating and the act of smoking thoroughly disgusting. I'm going to assume that it was the copious amount of alcohol in my system, or maybe it was because he actually asked me if I wanted a fag (always learn the slang of the country that you're visiting because I was so disappointed), but still it's on me because I made the semi-conscious decision to go outside with him. I asked him why we had to go outside to smoke when plenty of other patrons of the bar were inside smoking. He said that it was because this was cannabis. See, I thought that was the name-brand of the cigarette. Hello, I signed up for horticulture in high school because I thought it was a class about different cultures of the world. Science has never been my strong point and after only one day in that class I transferred out of it and into Drama 101. True story. Also in my defense, the guy had taken an actual cigarette and scraped the tobacco out of it and replaced it with the cannabis so I really did just think it was a cigarette. A few coughs and a collapsed lung episode later, I finally got the hang of smoking. I don't remember how many cigarettes I had, but I do remember flying and there was a pink elephant. I vaguely remember finding a cab and being terrified that I would be a victim at the hands of the cab driver- he had a lone female buzzed out of her mind in the back of his taxi who had told him to just drive because I couldn't recall  the name of the place in which I was staying. I do remember asking him if he had a wife and daughter, I'm not kidding, I wanted him to think about them and not me. As soon as we passed one of those telephone booths I yelled at him to stop and after many failed attempts on my part of trying to figure out how to use the phone because I couldn't determine the proper coinage, I then drug him out of the front seat and demanded that he call the number on the slip of paper in my pocket. Thank god the family I was staying with had thought to give me their number since they knew I was going out by myself that night. After that, I made it safely to them and when they opened the door of the cab I face planted the road. Yeap, I just fell out of the cab- I don't remember this but that is what they told me the next day. That poor cab driver totally earned his fare that night. So my first experience with pot did not encourage any further usage of it. You'd think I would've never picked up another beer either, but no, and I can write a whole other blog on the stupid things I have done drunk- not proud by the way.
But why did I even decide to go out and try a "cigarette" in the first place? Clearly I loathed smoking, but I did it anyway. My judgement was already impaired due to the alcohol consumption, but what made me make the decision to continue drinking? I wish I had a good answer for it but I don't. People try/do stupid things all of the time. I still do stupid things. I mean, I smoked my second joint only a few months ago. Well, it wasn't a joint really, it was in a little bowl pipe thingy. I was told it might help my back pain so I tried it. This time I was in a much more controlled environment, and while I don't remember feeling my back pain, I don't see it as something I would like to partake of. I haven't tried the brownies though and I do love a good brownie. But the smoking left a nasty taste in my mouth and I felt like I had to literally scrape my tongue afterwards. Anyway, two pot experiences in a 14yr span seems to be a gracious plenty for me thus far. However, I am a proponent of legalizing medicinal marijuana and I wouldn't dismiss the thought of using it if it did enable me to live pain free. I already take enough narcotics to stay stoned and if I could eat a brownie over swallowing a bitter pill, then I'll take chocolate every time.
Personally I do not like being stoned out of my head all of the time. Maybe I'm too much of a control freak, maybe I don't like having my defenses down, or maybe I'd like to be able to speak without having to say um every ten seconds; but for whatever reason plenty of people find comfort in being strung out. But I don't blame or judge those who have become addicts. Just because I don't understand it, doesn't mean that I get to look down on those with this issue. Because although my experience with drugs was somewhat comical and ended up being harmless, I do not take for granted the fact that it could have went much differently. Had that cigarette been laced with anything, I could just as easily be dead or an addict myself.
Like with any drug, whether it be prescription or alcohol, there is an attachment of responsibility. I have seen drug abuse first hand. It has destroyed lives, crushed dreams, and has made people do unspeakable things, things that no family/person should have to endure. My heart goes out to those who have loved-ones dealing with addiction. You want to help the person, but it really does come down to whether the person wants to help themselves before anything can be done.
In May there is talk of a Bill reaching the North Carolina Senate to legalize medical marijuana. Between now and then I think I might just sign up for a class on horticulture after all. Or maybe a baking class...