Thursday, August 29, 2013

a little kick

Last night, well technically this morning (2am) there was a man trying to break into our home via the back door. Had he not been scared and chased off by our next door neighbor who was letting their dog out for a potty break he would have been successful. I was actually up and heard the noise at the back door, but at 2am you can somehow justify that the noises you are hearing are either the wind or a stray cat. Because really, who doesn't have a stray cat on their back porch trying to unlock the door? Had the guy made it in, he would have ultimately been disappointed in scoring any type of valuable loot. The tv in my bedroom is from 1999 and I'm just glad it shows in color. Even the flat screen in the living room came from a pawn shop- how ironic would that have been if it had just ended up back in one? I don't have a game system, an Ipad, or an Iphone. ( Really, my phone is like one step above a jitter-bug.) The only jewelry I own is a ring made out of a quarter from 1964, and it's worth more than what's in my bank account at the moment. Seriously, I'm changing my name to Insufficient Funds because that's what shows up on all of my bank paperwork anyway. Had I come face to face with the intruder I'd probably have just told him to go to the neighbors across the street because they have a lot nicer stuff.  
So today finds us gun shopping. No matter your belief about guns, I have no desire to be Nancy Grace's next 8 o'clock special. On some level I am hesitant about having a gun simply because anyone that knows me knows that when I speak I use my hands emphatically so God only knows where the barrel would end up while I'm yelling "Stop!" or more realistically "oh shit!" Irregardless, the time has come where I must upgrade my golf club and mace for something with a little more kick because I understand that last night's incident could have gone very differently. 
I'm not sure what has happened to this guy to make him turn to criminal activity. Maybe he has fallen on hard times, or maybe he's just bad news? Whatever the case, I hope he is able to find his way back to a path of giving instead of taking.  


  1. I think its wise to get a gun. What about a big dog or two also, to warn you when anyone comes on your property?
    Glad no harm came to either of you!

  2. Thank you! We actually have four dogs and I'm guessing that if it had really been a stray cat then they would've barked non-stop. But because it was an actual "bad guy" they of course didn't make a sound. :/


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